Laser Blended Vision Correction
PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision from Carl Zeiss is an advanced method for treating patients with age-related loss of accommodation, also known as presbyopia. It offers the opportunity to achieve freedom from glasses by combining the simplicity and accuracy of corneal refractive surgery with the benefits of increased depth of field in retaining visual quality. As a surgical solution based on the naturally occurring spherical aberrations of the eye, PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision extends the scope of customized ablation beyond the limits of conventional monovision laser methods in several ways.
Whether for its customized treatment profiles, its visual acuity at all distances, its indications range or its immediate impact, PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision is a clear treatment choice for the fast growing demographic of presbyopic patients.
A flap, a hinged corneal tissue, is created with a fast and highly precise femto-second laser.
After the flap is created with a femtosecond laser, the patient is conveniently moved from the femtosecond laser to the excimer laser.
The flap is gently folded back, exposing the inner corneal tissue to be treated.
An excimer laser shapes the corneal tissue. correcting the dominant eye for distant vision and the non-dominant eye for near vision.
Afterwards, the flap is returned to its original position, protecting the eye much like a natural bandage.
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